You may be surprised to find out that there is a network of secret underground buildings all around the globe that were made to protect leaders and people in authority in cases of all kinds of threat. Most of these building remain unseen for decades. One such underground city in England has been revealed to the public in 2004. It was built in the 1950s and it had the capacity to shelter 4000 governmental employees in case of nuclear attacks.
The complex underground facility, known as the Burlington Bunker, had 60 miles of roadways, laundries, kitchens and even a lake that should provide fresh water to its inhabitants. There were railways for the transportation of the Royal Family. The secret city was completed with a pub and a special tele communication hub, so that the prime minister could address the nation is case of an attack.
The bunker had the capacity to provide everything necessary to the inhabitants for a period of 3 months. It was constructed to withstand various kinds of attacks.